Sign up for Melissa's Sturdy Senior Weekly
Every week, I'll send you an exercise you can do to stay sharp, mobile, and active. Made for seniors.
I Teach Seniors How to Not Become These Statistics
More than 1 in 4 older people fall each year, falling once 2x's your chances of falling again.
One out of five falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury.
After a hip fracture, an elderly person has a 27% chance of dying within one year
Staying mobile is not that complicated!
I started Sturdey to make exercise fun & easy for seniors.
If you look at some of the healthiest 100 year olds, they are not going to the gym. Instead, they're socializing, walking, and moving around all day.
Our company is based on the philosophy that physical training doesn't need to feel like exercise. It can be simple, fun, and social. It can seem like play, not work!
Yet... it can still be impactful. Our tools train your balance and brain at the same time!